BabyChatter Baby Naming and General Baby Tips

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Well, Potty Training... This is definitely something I haven't thought about in a while. It has been several years now since my son passed through this daunting stage. Just when you think your little one has mastered the whole potty thing, the accidents come. How you handle the accidents can sometimes determine how long you may end up in this stage.

Don't forget how smart your little one is! Someone once overheard two toddlers talking. One child asked "Why do you still wear pull ups?" The reply was simply "If I stop wearing pull ups, I'll have to stop playing to go to the bathroom". So with that being said, don't under estimate your child.

TIPS for accidents ( I hope this will helpful! ) Positive reinforcements - as hard as it will be, STAY POSITIVE!

"Next time let's get it in the potty"
"I see you went! We really need that in the potty." Make it a team effort.
"We are near SUCCESS! Let's clean up and try again."

Don't make the accident more important then actual use of the potty. If you response negatively, you will be reinforcing the accident opposed to your child making it to the potty and having success. Children need and want our attention and they will take the good or the bad.

Make sure your child cleans himself up. You want your child to feel in control even during accidents. The key to his success and having control.

I know it is easier said than done but by reinforcing success will happen, Success can be achieved!

Well, Potty Training... This is definitely something I haven't thought about in a while. It has been several years now since my son passed through this daunting stage. Just when you think your little one has mastered the whole potty thing, the accidents come. How you handle the accidents can sometimes determine how long you may end up in this stage.

Don't forget how smart your little one is! Someone once overheard two toddlers talking. One child asked "Why do you still wear pull ups?" The reply was simply "If I stop wearing pull ups, I'll have to stop playing to go to the bathroom". So with that being said, don't under estimate your child.

TIPS for accidents ( I hope this will helpful! ) Positive reinforcements - as hard as it will be, STAY POSITIVE!

"Next time let's get it in the potty"
"I see you went! We really need that in the potty." Make it a team effort.
"We are near SUCCESS! Let's clean up and try again."

Don't make the accident more important then actual use of the potty. If you response negatively, you will be reinforcing the accident opposed to your child making it to the potty and having success. Children need and want our attention and they will take the good or the bad.

Make sure your child cleans himself up. You want your child to feel in control even during accidents. The key to his success and having control.

I know it is easier said than done but by reinforcing success will happen, Success can be achieved!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

IF MOM IS HAPPY, EVERYONE IS HAPPY! Large families are great. There's lots of laughter, love, and just stuff, never a dull moment. A lot of work goes into running a family no matter what size. I have found that harmony in the home can only be kept if everyone works together. From my 5 year old to my husband, everyone has responsibility!

You must designate exactly what the responsibility will be. You must draw a map! Your plan must be in writing. I’ve found I would get less resistance when it is written down. I did laminate the list so my children could check things off as they did them. The younger ones especially love this.

Implementing your plan may take a little more ingenuity. Don't give in! IT MUST BE DONE! I use this as a motivator. "IT MUST BE DONE!" The kids usually laugh when I start parading this throughout the house. However, at times I will use NO work NO TV.

I am not sure why so many of today's Moms feel everything is just their responsibility. Doing chores has been around forever. Working together will only make the dynamics of the family even stronger. And for new moms, it is never too early to start.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

PARENTING - ENTITLEMENT! I am a mother of 4. My children are ages 13, 11, 7 and 5. I have woken each day since my first was born with the intention of making their world the best it can possibly be. Making sure every detail of their lives was as perfect as I could make it. My existence had been this and only this. I just knew at that time that this was my calling; the maker of all things happy and good.

Like they say with age comes wisdom. I do jokingly say to my friends "Yep, I screwed up that one!” mostly in reference to my oldest. Don't get me wrong, my oldest is very bright, smart, beautiful young lady. However, she feels to many times that she is entitled to everything opposed to possibly earning it or not getting it at all.

I look at my other 3 children for which whom entitlement isn't a word I would use for them and I can identify what I didn't know when my oldest was little. Coping with frustration, not getting your way, doing things without reward are some of the most valuable lessons. Teaching our children this from the start will help make the years to come easier.

If in life we could get the DO OVER, this would be mine. Things were be different. I would set better boundaries, make sure the boundaries were realistic and definitely not think my child was entitled to the perfect life - There isn't such a thing! So, I would say happy parenting but it's not always happy.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are all so excited to start the New Year off with a BANG! New Year's resolutions, goals, the pursuit of health and happiness, all of these thoughts come flooding in January 1st each year. Simplifying life is always top on my list especially in respect to my children. Always start with a list, be specific and realistic!

For example, bedtime for your baby/toddler. If your baby's bedtime is too late or sporadic, setting a goal for this and accomplishing it first will alleviate stress and make more time for the other things on your list. The internet is full of helpful ideas and information. Having your baby on a routine may require some trial and error but it can be accomplished. This will make you and your baby much happier.

Another great one is diet for you and your baby. Eating healthier will give you more energy and drive. Trying out more of a variety of foods on your baby will improve your baby's health and eating habits as he/she gets older. I ventured out with my 3rd child's diet and she definitely eats much healthier now then my other children.

Organization has also been a big one on my list. Every New Year in my house, we (meaning the whole family) will go room to room reorganizing. This is always great fun when everyone is participating. All kids especially toddler love to empty things and sorting and labeling are enjoyed as well. When done, you will spend less time maintaining your house and more time living.

Whatever goals you set face them one at a time. Each time you’re successful will only make the next time easier. AGAIN, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

TIPS on COLIC! Here are just a few home remedies to help you and your new baby survive colic.

Baby's Diet - if your baby is bottle feed you may want to try a soy based formula or if breast feeding watching your food intake and possibly eliminating dairy, caffeine, chocolate and foods such as broccoli, onions, peppers, cabbage, melons, tomatoes, beans, peanuts and citrus fruits which produce gas

Sounds - playing a soft lullaby or humming in your babies ear may help

Bathing - giving your baby a warm bath, using massage theraphy to help releive stomach pain and using a few drops of lavender for relaxation

Motion and swaddling - wrap your baby snug in a warm blanket and you can rock your baby or maybe use a swing or baby sit

All of these things can be helpful. Just remember that this like other things will also pass. Preparing yourself each day mentally can help. Trying meditation and deep breathing before the colic time of the day starts can help keep you strong.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The cold and flu season has begun! ARE YOU READY? It can be absolutely miserable when your children get a cold or even worse the flu. The only thing that can top it is when Mommy gets sick as well.

Be prepared and take action! Cold viruses and flues are impossible to see therefore impossible to prevent; however, you can take some precautions. Washing you and your baby's hands frequently, using hand sanitizers, using sanitizing wipes on shopping cart handles and door knobs, all of these things can help prevent the spread of viruses at home and out.

Even after all of these precautions, you and your baby will at sometime or another have a cold or the flu. Sickness will come and go. Things will be easier if you are prepared with medications, tissues, etc. Check with your pediatrician to see what kinds of things they recommend you have on hand if your baby gets a cold or the flu. Oh, and don't forget about things for mommy if she gets sick as well.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

MY BABY IS TEETHING! HELP! Now that your baby is 5 months old or so, teething may just possibly take over your life. Don't worry this will also pass. However in the meantime, here are some signs and tips to help you get through this stage:

The 1st signs of teething are usually bulging gums, drooling, fussing, biting, and night waking. Your baby may possibly have other symptoms as well; Diarrhea, low grade fever, rash.

Here are a few things you can use: teething rings (frozen), Popsicles, Cold spoons,
Frozen washcloth. Anything cold on your babies gum will give you both a little break.

You can also use medications such as Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen. Teething gels can also make baby feel better. However, be careful to only use a small amount directly on the gums. Too much can make your babies tongue and lips numb. This is not going to help!

All this just when you thought it was safe to get in the water or should I say bed. Just take a deep breath. You and your baby will make it through. When nothing else seems to be working, stepping outside for 5 minutes or even just 2 may be the best tip of any.