What are our children learning or "losing"? We have definitely created a fast pace world for our children to live in. It is like a freight train barreling down the tracks. If you haven't entered this phase of parenting yet, please take note.
We start our day by rushing our children out the door and off to school. We then turn around to send them off to dance, soccer, football, etc… either before or after fitting in their required homework. Eating microwavable foods or fast food as the main stay of nutrition and the main question is why?
As parents, we have an uncontrollable desire for our children to be as successful as the next child. If Suzy is taking dance, soccer, horseback and piano lessons then my child has to as well. If I don't, I have failed as a parent. This is a very sad reality. The lesson we teach is that life successes are solely defined by how many and how much. We are fostering a life of unhealthy competitiveness, relentless drive, and a level of stress that will in the end be harmful. We all want our children to be happy successful children and then adults. Ask yourself, Is this the way to get there.
Teach your children to stop and look around them. Teach how to work hard and how to relax. To Appreciate the small things as well as the big ones. Teach them to take time to be just who they are - not the soccer star or football star.
"Let Them Be Little" is the title of my favorite song. Have we lost that ability?
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